Media Coverage (mostly in German)

Printed Interviews

19. March 2020: The end to moonshine revels? How our obsession with light is destroying life on the planet, Interview with Lucy Writers Platform


11. December 2020: Podcast "Lichtverschmutzung: Wieso künstliches Licht gefährlich werden kann", at BR Tagesticket - der Frühpodcast

31. January 2020: Doppelkopfgespräch on HR2 with me. Stephan Hübner and I are talking about Australian skinks, jet-lagged kiwis, and a lot about the value of darkness and the need for better lighting.

10. January 2020: Nicht so viel Licht! - Die Biologin Annette Krop-Benesch im Gespräch mit Stephan Hübner on Hr-Info Wissenswert

12. December 2019: Radiointerview on Deutschlandfunk Kultur Studio 9.

Own freely available articles

1. December 2019: Die dunkle Seite des Lichts. Rotary Magazin. The bright, never-ending illumination in many cities harms the well-being of humans and nature. A pladoyer for environmentally friendlier lighting concepts.